Monday 18 March 2013

10 Months

So, I felt as I am reminiscing the old day, lets go on my old blog.

And boy has a lot changed.

 In my last post, I shared some photos of my and a 'friend' Joe. He was 20 at the time and I was 15, and things speed out of control, and on Saturday, he promised he would wait for me, and when I was 16 we would become official. And then as if his words were dust the next day he had met someone else, older and prettier, and they were going out within 10 hours of meeting each other. I couldn't believe and it took me a lot to get over the shock, but with help from my amazing best friend Sam, I got over it, but my troubles hadn't stopped there.
I fell back down a black hole I first fell in aged 12 - lonely, afraid, confused, lost and desperate, and began my way of taking it out. With help from my best friend Sam, I managed to overcome it again, and I owe so much to Sam for it, as he had helped me through so much that month.

After my crappy June, July was the best improvement ever.
So for those of you who know me, you will know I have can I put this.....a thing for Sam, my best friend since pretty much the moment I met him. And despite the fact I had gone out others guys and he has had a girlfriend, those feelings have always remained. July 13th came around and it was my very last day of Year 10. Sam picked me up from school as we had some work we needed to do for a youth group we both help out at. However when that failed, we were stood in his kitchen, talking and I will always wondered how it went from a hug to kiss. And boy did that kiss change my life!!! I don't even know how we got there, I cant even remember the lean in or the first touch of the lips, its like I just woke for the time and realized I was kissing the one guy I have always dreamt of kissing! After that one moment, it took about a whole month for it to finally sink in and to stop feeling like a dream.

I think that is all I really need to catch you up on, Sam and I have been plain sailing ever since then and are still falling in love everyday, and if you ask, I actually still can't believe what has happened in the last 10 months.

And from now on, I shall try and do my little weekly post on whatever I fancy, and I think it is about time, I got back into doing this sort of stuff!

Lots of love peeps x

A little photo of me and Sammy from January 2013

1 comment:

  1. Awwww,this is ssooo cute, I am so happy for you and Sam :)
