Monday, 1 April 2013

Oh my lips!

I need my Vaseline's, so much so, I have been nicknamed the 'Vaseline Lady' at school. Which is kind of understandable considering I am always putting it on before and after every lesson.
But literally, I wouldn't know where I would be without it. I get very dry and sore lips very easily, and so this stuff really helps and makes them super soft and again (just ask my boyfriend ;)) and I have lived by this stuff for about 2 years now. It seriously works wonders on them. And if that wasn't enough, there are about a million different flavours: Cocoa Butter for feeling a bit exotic, Rose and Almond for a feminine and sophisticated look, and I disscovered they did a special Sun Proof one (yellow tins) to protect your lips even more thorough out this supper hot spring (not).

And as if that wasn't enough, there are more than just one way to use your sacred Vaselines. You know those shoes that always rub? Put a little Vaseline on that area of the shoe before you put it one, and it creates a barrier. And if you have sore, dry and cracked hands, and no hand cream, rub a little Vaseline into the skin  for a quick heal (warning: hands may become a little greasy so wash off after about 10 minutes). Finally, the newest one I learnt from my mother, that dry skin on your face, put a little of your Vaseline on your face, and especially around your nose before you go to bed for a deep moisturized face in the morning!

So there you have my whistle stop tour on the amazing product that is Vaseline, these are valuable lesson, so remember them!
See you later peeps x

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