Thursday, 27 June 2013

Organic Homemade Lip Balms

We are going a bit organic here at Cover B Headquarters!
So everyone knows how much I love Vaseline right, and how I get through a pot nearly every month. Everyone also knows how much I love making stuff too, right? Well, my parents are going to kill when they find out this one. As well as making my own face scrubs, hair masks and face mists, I am know making my own organic lip balms and they are so simple to make - all you need are a few everyday items.

  • 3 Tbsp of Olive Oil
  • 1 Tbsp of grated beeswax 
  • 1 tsp of honey
  • 1/4 tsp of Vitamin E oil (3 squeezed out Vitamin E capsuals)
  • 7 drops of essential oil (optional)
  • 1 tsp of cocoa powder (optional)
Warm the olive oil, beeswax and honey on a very low heat. You want to gently melt them, not boil them. Stir until they are completely melted. Remove form the heat and whisk in the Vitamin E, essential oil and cocoa powder. Transfer to your tin or tube and leave to set for 3 hours at least. If it looks like the oil isn't emulsifying, don't worry, it  will do while setting. 

It is a really simply method, and the good thing about having made it yourself is that you know exactly what has gone into it, and so you can trust that it wont cause more harm to your lips than good.
Vitamin E is a really key ingredient to your lip balm too. It is often used in many skin care products as it softens the skin and it is antioxidant, which means it fights against skin cell damage. Vitamin E is also one of the main ingredient in anti-aging products because of its anti-oxidants.
If you do add the Cocoa Powder to your lip balm, I know it feels weird smearing chocolate brown stuff over your lips, but it actually provides a really soft and gently colour to your lips.

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