Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Fitness Abs

This summer for me is about getting fit and healthy and achieving the abs everyone dreams of, and having the stamina to do all the exciting things I have planned. And it would be nice to keep up with my boyfriend on our bikes too...
For me, there is only one way I am doing this -workouts. I use this great DVD called 'Yogalosphy' by Mandy Ingber, and it is great as it help combines the traditional yoga poses with exercises like sit-ups and press-ups. It sounds like scary stuff but you get introduced to it gradually and you can feel the difference in your step after just one session. It helps strengthens your muscles in a way that doesn't exhaust them and is great for your core muscles like your abdominal muscles. But if yoga isn't your thing, there are other smaller ways to achieve your summer body in a few small steps.

1. Sit-ups. Sets of 10, repeat 10 times.  The more you do, the easier they become. When I first started, I struggled to do 10 without stopping, now I can easily do 30-40 without stopping. It is about doing the right amount for you and not pushing yourself. If you have to break for 10 minutes in between sets, do it. The best key is for any and all workout like these is to listen to your body and do what it says.
2. Water, Water, Water. With whatever you do always make you your drink plenty of water. The worst thing you can do for your body is dehydrate it. Always make your have a full bottle of water with you where ever you. Your skin and your body will love you for it. Avoid sugary drinks between meals too as this will make it harder for your body to digest the food down when you eat.
3. Walkies. Have you heard of people saying that they are only skinny because they never take the lifts and always take the stairs. Well to a degree this is true, but it will need a lot more than that! If you need to go to corner to buy bread and milk, don't drive - walk. This is the easiest thing you can do and it will really help. Try and go for a run at least once a week. A 30 minute run or a power walk for an hour will help reap in the benefits and you will feel so much better for it too.
4. Eat well. In order to really the maximum amount of benefits your possibly can there is one final trick, simple trick to help you achieve your perfect abs. Eat plenty of fruit and veg and protein. These are the best food groups for you as they help you gain the most amount of energy possibly. You need to eat balance though so do eat carbs but keep them minimal and keep the fatty and sugary foods to even smaller minimum.

Whatever exercise regime your choose keep it balanced and work at your own pace, don't push your self too hard and moderate the amount of physical exercise you do as it can not only become unhealthy but your body can exhaust itself too much which will make you more unhealthy than fit. Just be careful!

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