Saturday, 10 May 2014

little loves: armlets

I have always had a little thing for armlets. I remember being 15 in the April of 2012. My skateboard had just come and I was throwing myself head first into all the little joys that came with it, most of all the new rules for fashion. In other words there were none. The budding hippy I was, I decided that bracelets worn high around my arm were the coolest things ever. I wasn't wrong, but I was just ahead of my time (again). I could continue to go on about my love for blue hair and fake spacers, but I'll stop here and think for a second about armlets. ...(You can probably also realize that when my boyfriend made me confess to being a hippy a few months ago it wasn't actually that hard, because I already was)...Two years later I am still in love with armlets, but this time, they are in fashion. But they are still aren't wide enough in fashion for everyone to be selling them, so this enlists the help of my absolute favourite - Free People. Yes a little pricey, but soo worth it! 

As these are a little pricy, there is a much cheaper alternative which is the option I've taken - make one! Yes if you have revision you should put that first....if not, just get some thin nylon and thread on a load of small beads. So simple and effective! 

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